Right now, I am doing a fun "experiment" and trying to take all of my friend's and my friend's mother's advice and "Just Relax".

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Progress With {C}

Well, I heard back from {C} Saturday night. It looks like she is considering placing {Lil' B} (that's short for Little Baby...I haven't even begun to be hopeful enough to name this baby girl) with us. She has been interviewing me over the internet since, well, she lives in another state.

I've started talking with other people who have adopted to get an idea of what to expect. They have all been telling me pretty much the same thing. 1) Don't get to excited and tell everyone 2) Make sure the birth father consents and 3) Don't buy any baby stuff until the baby is in my arms.

{C} has started looking into starting up college again next semester which makes me hopeful that this is really going to happen.

We have started looking for adoption attorneys in the area and getting a home study done.

I've only told some close friends that are in the area so that they know what is going on and both Oscar and my parents. My mother might be going with me to get {Lil' B} at the end of October since Oscar might not be able to take time off with no pay. We are trying to make sure we have enough money for this so he is limiting his time off.

I'm still extremely guarded with my emotions. One of my friends I half wish that I didn't tell because she is getting so excited. I told her not to get any baby stuff for me and she agreed but it is all she wants to talk about now. I know she means well but it is a good thing we live an hour apart and are both busy.

Another friend of mine is being really great about everything. His parents adopted 3 kids but there were two kids that they fostered and after two years they were gone. His mother was really effected by that and he doesn't want the same thing to happen to me. He is excited...just cynical. Which for me, is good.


  1. I can understand why you are cautious, but that still sounds promising. You could be a mom very soon! I think I would also feel very cautious about my excitement and optimism, since adoptions are complicated processes. It still must be nice to know that she is considering you both as the adoptive parents. Can't wait to hear about how things progress.

  2. Cautiously crossing my fingers that this goes through for you and hubby! If this does not work out, at least you may have your home study done and can pursue adoption through a different venue. Just remember that this is not the only option for making you a mommy, just one of very very many. The right one with pull through.


  3. Wish you ALL THE BEST...I understand why you're cautious and I also think it's for the best. :-)))
