Right now, I am doing a fun "experiment" and trying to take all of my friend's and my friend's mother's advice and "Just Relax".

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Humility, Happiness, and Hope

I am so flattered that Jess from When the Music Fades thought of me when she was picking people to talk about hope and happiness. This is a really fun pass along award! What you do is post the picture and write about one thing that you are happy for at the moment and something that you are also hoping for. I'm going to warn you...it is going to get smarmy.One thing that I am really happy for right now are blogger friends and this great IF community. Technically, according to the doctors, I'm not even classified as Infertile. I'm in this weird conception limbo.

I had this blog before I knew what PCOS was. Once I found out I had it (7th months with no period and no baby bump...what was my first clue that there was a problem?) and started looking for people going through what I was going through, I felt so comforted to find such a large group online.

I'm so happy that this is such a welcoming community and that when none of the "fertiles" can give me comfort because they can only seem to get out the most awkward solutions to "my problem", I have all of you to turn to. (My mom totally told me today that if I adopted, I would get pregnant.) The best thing in the world right now for me is sharing all of my information with the world about my PCOS and not needing to worry about you telling me to "just relax" or that I'm "jinxing" myself by "trying to hard".

(How was that for smarmy? Wait...it is going to get worse!)

My hope... is that this community will always be here. I hope that pretty soon all of us (God permitting) will be gone from the blogging world while we take care of our respective children but I hope that this sisterhood (and brotherhood in some cases) will live on. I hope that when the next generation of infertile women need some guidance and assistance or a listening ear, that this community of strength will be there to help them until that BFP shows up and they get to hold that squirmy new born in their hands.

I totally won the smarmy award! As gross as all that was, I meant it. Today especially. Everything that I needed today, I got from these three people who I am nominating to pass this on.

And so many more. I would have picked Jess but she completely got me first!

I'm totally humbled by all that you women have to offer and all the support that you have offered me!


  1. HUGGGSSSS...THANKSSSS A LOT for passing this on! LOVE reading this post and I've also been blessed by this IF community. :-))) I'll do my post hopefully tomorrow. Gotta go to sleep soon and then I have a Finnish course tomorrow. :-D

    Have a TOTALLY BLESSED weekend!

  2. My mother totally uses the same line, "If you adopt, you'll probably get pregnant." Grrr. They try to help, but they just don't get it.

    Hope your weekend is going swell!

  3. Awww! Thanks Phoebe! I'm very touched (and I can't believe it took me so long to clue in. Gosh, it's Sept 21 and you wrote this on Sept. 16!!).
    You are a lovely, bighearted member of this community and I am so glad that you are here. I appreciate your comments and the musings you write on your blog. Thank you, dear woman. I truly hope that you will be holding your little one in your arms very soon.
    Hugs from your pal, Augusta

  4. oh my goodness Phoebe, I don't know how I missed your news that you are hoping to adopt. That is wonderful. I hope things come together and everything works out.

    Thinking of you
