Right now, I am doing a fun "experiment" and trying to take all of my friend's and my friend's mother's advice and "Just Relax".

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Telling My Family

Before I went to the doctor to find out what was wrong with me, I did some Internet research to see what I could find.

When I found a list of symptoms for PCOS I started to get scared. I did more research since it sounded so much like me. I asked my mom if she knew of anyone in our family with PCOS and she told me about my cousin. I told her I was scared that that was what was wrong with me and she told me that not having my period of 7 months was fine because I was probably just a "late bloomer". My dad then sent me a text message saying, "We have not been overly impressed with some of the doctors in Utah and in California. They often diagnose off the wall things. Ask Aaron (my husband) to give you a blessing and then don't worry about it."

I am a pretty religious person but even that was too much for me. Just pray? Ignore it and maybe it will go away?

After talking to the doctor and finding out that I probably do have PCOS I didn't want to tell my parents. I was feeling so raw from the news the day before and I couldn't imagine trying to talk to them about it.

This morning my mom started messaging me wanting to know what the doctor said. I told her...evening knowing what she would say.
I told her that they thought it was PCOS.
She said that I wasn't fat.
I told her that I was in the 10% of women that didn't gain weight as a side effect.
That is when my mother told me that the doctor was a quack.
I told her that she was not being helpful.
She told me that she was right and that I should trust my mother.

That's right...instead of a health professional.

She said that a REAL doctor wouldn't pull something out of thin air instead of doing tests.
I told her I had most of the symptoms and that PCOS is the most common reason for women to have irregular periods. I also told her that I was going back for more tests.
She said that she would pray for the doctor since I wasn't the one that needed the prayers.
She asked me what symptoms I had.
I told her about the acne that had cropped up when I was almost 19.
She said everyone has acne.
I told her about the excessive body hair.
She told me that she had chin whiskers, she knew someone who had to shave and still had children.
I told her about the odd places of my hair growth.
So she sarcastically called me a hairy beast.
She once again reassured me that I was just a "late bloomer" and that she had to go to church.

The conversation left me feeling so empty and exhausted. All I wanted to hear from people were things like, "Don't worry, you will get through this!" "We are here for you!" "You will get through this. Medicine can do amazing things now!"

I didn't want to hear that I was an idiot for listening to a doctor or that I just needed to suck it up.

There is something wrong with me! I am sick and my body is showing me in so many different ways. When the doctor told me what it was, I felt somewhat relieved. Finally, I could put a name on this sudden hair growth, my late acne, and my crazy irregular periods that I have dealt with since I was in high school.

I just wanted support from my family. Not to have my answers taken away and my judgement belittled.

Friday, February 26, 2010

The Verdict

Well, as few of you might now I haven't been having my monthly visitor for quite some time. At first I thought that it might be because I was pregnant but as time wore on and all of the tests were negative and I wasn't getting any bigger, disappointment set in and then worry.

Today I went to the doctor and found out that I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS.
She said that I was in the 10% that don't suffer from weight gain. It comes with pros and cons.

Pros: I have less chances of getting Type II diabetes.

Cons: Heavier women have a chance of losing weight and becoming more regular. I don't. The most I can lose is 10 pounds.

One thing that I have going for me is my age. I'm 21. I'm 21 and it would seem that my biological clock is already ticking.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Everything In Its Place

I have been marveling at people like on YoungHouseLove. There house always seems so perfect and in order.

I have been trying to do this. Find a place for everything and make sure that when it is not being used, it is back in its place. *Side Note: I made those curtains and striped pillow cases myself. I'm pretty proud.*

I have been decluttering lately and just throwing out stuff or giving things away that I don't need. I chose to start with the living room. They goal is to always have this room neat and ready for guests. It feels good to look around and see that I live in a beautiful house.
I am going to count how many days the coffee table can look this good. I am the type that likes to pile stuff up in certain spots.

How do you stay organized? Do you suffer from trying to be perfect too?

Friday, February 19, 2010

My Strange Puppy

You know how when you get dogs from the shelter, you never know what you are going to end up with?

Sometimes I think this when my dog does something so weird that I can't even imagine what happened in his past to make him act this way.
My dog is scared of drive-thrus. Yup. Every time we go through one he hops down onto the floor of the car and sits there shaking. I don't even know how to help him out. I just let him do it and try to remember his delicate feelings when planning meals.
Apparently after having him for 6 months, he has decided that it is okay to do this.
He doesn't even keep it in the family. When we went to see his "little brother" he thought that it was okay to not only block the TV, but sit on a person? He is out of control. I should be glad that this is the worst of it.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What to Sell?

I have been looking at somethings that people pay money for and I think, "Why didn't I think of that?" "I can make that!"

I am driven nuts sometimes by people who I feel "sell out" Mormonism. I don't just mean the LDS Church but the whole Mormon culture. There are Book of Mormon games, cards, and action figures. It makes me mad that someone out there is making a killing on keeping other people's kids reverent in church.

But hey, I might want to jump on the propaganda train too.

I made a blue one too.

Is it a sin to want to read through the scriptures looking for phrases that I can sell?

Starting an Etsy Shop

I want to earn money for our family but I don't want to work at an fast food place or anywhere that I am going to hate. I love cross stitching. I love doing crafts and I have finally decided to try and do something about it.

I have finally done it.

Well, I took a small step in the right direction.

I am going to do it.

I am going to open an etsy shop.

I started my account today.

I haven't put anything up yet but I will.

I think that I will start by selling my funny tea towels. I might make some small samplers and frame them and sell those for people to hang up in their bathrooms.
Then who knows. I might move on to selling some stuff that I sew...if I get any good at it. I am excited. I can do it.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sewing Project #1 Baby Booties

I was looking at really simple stuff to sew and I found a pattern for little baby booties.

I had some fabric that I thought would be pretty cute for them and so today I decided to try my hand at making some.

I am really horrible at giving tutorials (I'll add that to my list of things to do this year). I really just have pictures of the finished project.For a first shot, I'm pretty proud of them. There are a couple things that I would want to change if I want to make a pair to sell. Maybe put some interfacing in to make it less likely to fray. Get some eyelets to punch in for the ribbon to go through.

Personally, I would love to dress a little baby girl in some skull and cross bone booties.

*Side Note* I finally got brave and made an appointment with a doctor to talk about my "womanly worries". Cross your fingers for me.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Bookshelf Inspired

After all of the research that I am doing online for ideas of stuff to spruce up my house (Build in the 1940's) I have stumbled upon an idea that I would never think of.

Don't like it?

Need to update?

On the cheap?


When I was trying to decide what I wanted to clean out and spruce up the guest bedroom, my eyes feel upon an old bookshelf.


Three years ago when I was in college I needed a bookshelf. I went to the DI (Deseret Industries) and got a skinny wood bookshelf with a heart cut out of the top. It was the perfect size for what I needed even though it didn't go with anything I owned. It worked. That was all the mattered.

Fast Forward:

Times had changed and I still didn't like the heart. I had gotten my money's worth out of it and so couldn't I just throw it out? Then I got a idea.

That is right.
Paint it.

I would paint it red, since that is one of my favorite colors. But there was still the matter of the heart. I don't know what it is about the heart. I thought that it made the whole thing look cheap. Then I got another idea... I hope you like.
My husband thinks that it looks like a watermelon in the, now, light green room. I think he is just jealous of my skill.
I think that it looks so adorable with my children's book collection on it.Now you go have some fun being creative!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Decorating Free Magnets

You know those free magnets that seem to pile up on your fridge. You keep them because they are useful, even though they don't really reflect you.

I was kind of sick of them on my fridge too.

I found a tutorial online about covering them with fabric.

Except I didn't have a scrap pile of fabric to use and so I decided to use some of my scrap booking paper (because for the last two years I have been trying to perfect my scrap booking).
I just kind of went nuts with it. I mean, what a great idea? I never thought to do something about changing them. I guess that that is what the internet is for.

I had so much fun with these. You should go out and do something with yours.

Go! Get up and Be Creative!