Right now, I am doing a fun "experiment" and trying to take all of my friend's and my friend's mother's advice and "Just Relax".

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Telling My Family

Before I went to the doctor to find out what was wrong with me, I did some Internet research to see what I could find.

When I found a list of symptoms for PCOS I started to get scared. I did more research since it sounded so much like me. I asked my mom if she knew of anyone in our family with PCOS and she told me about my cousin. I told her I was scared that that was what was wrong with me and she told me that not having my period of 7 months was fine because I was probably just a "late bloomer". My dad then sent me a text message saying, "We have not been overly impressed with some of the doctors in Utah and in California. They often diagnose off the wall things. Ask Aaron (my husband) to give you a blessing and then don't worry about it."

I am a pretty religious person but even that was too much for me. Just pray? Ignore it and maybe it will go away?

After talking to the doctor and finding out that I probably do have PCOS I didn't want to tell my parents. I was feeling so raw from the news the day before and I couldn't imagine trying to talk to them about it.

This morning my mom started messaging me wanting to know what the doctor said. I told her...evening knowing what she would say.
I told her that they thought it was PCOS.
She said that I wasn't fat.
I told her that I was in the 10% of women that didn't gain weight as a side effect.
That is when my mother told me that the doctor was a quack.
I told her that she was not being helpful.
She told me that she was right and that I should trust my mother.

That's right...instead of a health professional.

She said that a REAL doctor wouldn't pull something out of thin air instead of doing tests.
I told her I had most of the symptoms and that PCOS is the most common reason for women to have irregular periods. I also told her that I was going back for more tests.
She said that she would pray for the doctor since I wasn't the one that needed the prayers.
She asked me what symptoms I had.
I told her about the acne that had cropped up when I was almost 19.
She said everyone has acne.
I told her about the excessive body hair.
She told me that she had chin whiskers, she knew someone who had to shave and still had children.
I told her about the odd places of my hair growth.
So she sarcastically called me a hairy beast.
She once again reassured me that I was just a "late bloomer" and that she had to go to church.

The conversation left me feeling so empty and exhausted. All I wanted to hear from people were things like, "Don't worry, you will get through this!" "We are here for you!" "You will get through this. Medicine can do amazing things now!"

I didn't want to hear that I was an idiot for listening to a doctor or that I just needed to suck it up.

There is something wrong with me! I am sick and my body is showing me in so many different ways. When the doctor told me what it was, I felt somewhat relieved. Finally, I could put a name on this sudden hair growth, my late acne, and my crazy irregular periods that I have dealt with since I was in high school.

I just wanted support from my family. Not to have my answers taken away and my judgement belittled.

1 comment:

  1. your mom is ridiculous. Ask her if she would tell someone with cancer to just pray it away. If she keeps acting like this I would definitely not tell her much more. this will be an emotional roller coaster you are on so I completely understand how you were hoping for a bit more support than you got. I am so sorry your mom thought she had an MD and the answer for everything and was so dismissive of you.
