Right now, I am doing a fun "experiment" and trying to take all of my friend's and my friend's mother's advice and "Just Relax".

Thursday, March 4, 2010

I've Still Got It

Instead of talking about how miserable I have felt all day (killer 7 months worth of cramps, a forced fast by my doctors for more tests, and waking up earlier than is sane to get it out of the way), I am going to talk about how much fun I had last night at a church function.

I have been trying to make friends in our ward for the last 8 months of living in Ogden. As of yesterday morning I had one.

We were having a dinner to celebrate the Relief Society birthday. I signed up to bring cupcakes.

Flash back:

About 4 years ago I took a Wilton cake decorating course. After that I can't frost anything without throwing in at least a little bit of effort. I don't bake loads and so I don't decorate that much either.
Flash forward:
I didn't have ANY tips or bags so I ran to the store to get a basic set.

Let me tell you, the extra money for real stuff is WORTH IT! This stuff was so hard to use but I was still pretty proud of myself.
Making a cupcake look decorated looks so much harder than it really is and people always think that you worked forever on them. It is great.

Enough about me.
The Relief Society party was really fun. I don't know if I made any new friends but I did have fun dressing up with the other ladies. We all had to put on different hats.
I loved this lady! She was so cute in her gloves. At one point she said, "You can't pick up anything with gloves. These are worthless." I love it when older women are super sassy.

It was really fun to take my mind off of all the stuff that has been coming at me the last couple of weeks.

Go out and do something fun!


  1. congrats on your high score on your midterm. your cupcake looks delicious

  2. Thanks! You are a doll for saying so!
