Right now, I am doing a fun "experiment" and trying to take all of my friend's and my friend's mother's advice and "Just Relax".

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tuned Out

I've been thinking lately about how obsessed with technology the world is these days. I haven't given in to getting a smart phone yet but I know that the day will come.
I've been trying to figure out if I need to cut back on my computer time and I am still undecided.

Yesterday at the dog park I saw something that worried me.
I don't know this man. He could have been doing something super important that was life or death on his phone. But to me, it was just sad. He had a giant black lab that really wanted to play and he had a child strapped onto his back. He was missing out on so much.

This second picture was 10 minutes later. He is still tuned out.
Does he know that his child gets older every day? Does he know that these moments are gone forever?
My dad realized on my sister's 9 birthday that he had missed most of her life being at work. He worked tons of over time and sometimes we wouldn't see him for weeks. We would go to bed before he got home and wake up after he left the next day.

I don't want to be that person. I don't want my husband to be that person.

I love my Dad. He is an amazing man and he did so much for his family. I would have liked to see him more growing up though.

I'm glad I married this guy. He's amazing in so many ways. The most important way is that he is tuned in.


  1. I totally agree that WAY too many parents are focused on "getting ahead" and being tuned into whatever the rest of the world is doing and NOT their own families. I've battled this with Joseph (DH) before. He loves working (at his job anyways) and tends to take every opp he can to get a little overtime in. I know he does it because he wants to provide a comfortable lifestyle for us but I've tried to tell him that it doesn't matter to me how much money we have...it matters how rich we are with love and fellowship in our home.

    Family comes first. Always. :)

  2. I hear you. I appreciate what my husband is doing at work (and I appreciate how hard my dad worked) but at the same time I want to make sure that he doesn't miss out on anything that the family is doing.
    I'm super grateful that my husband understands this and takes time to have one on one time with me and our fur baby...even if it is, "just a dog".

  3. First of all, I love that your dog park has a bench and a cute bridge. Ours has three large structures but no benches.
    All I could think was "He has to be one of those jerks whose dog poo I step in because he isn't watching his dog and know when it poos." I have issues after coming home with poo covered shoes.
    I am annoyed by people who think it is more important to buy things/make money then to spend time with those they love.
    Which pup is yours?
    On the hop.
