Right now, I am doing a fun "experiment" and trying to take all of my friend's and my friend's mother's advice and "Just Relax".

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Torturing Myself

I love children's books. I think that the best way to teach children to have a love of learning and of reading is to read to them at a young age. My mother would always read my siblings and I bedtime stories. We had our favorite books that we loved to hear. It was a very special time before bed for us. I loved it.

I have always wanted to do the same things with my children. I began my collecting along time ago. When I traveled to other countries I would buy books that I could only get there. I have a book of Russian fairy tales bought in Russia. I also have a book about a tuk-tuk (a three wheeled motorized vehicle found in Asia and used as a cheap taxi) from when I lived in Thailand.
Lately though this habit has been a bit torturing. I just buy books when I find a good one at the Deseret Industries (DI) so that I'm not spending a load of money on something I might not use for awhile. At the same time, it is hard to look at a pile of books in the room that will someday be our nursery. Sometimes I go in there and read some of the books out loud.

Do I sound crazy yet?
I just love the stories of Winnie the Pooh and the new addition to my collection, Harold and the Purple Crayon. Someday I know that I will get the chance to share them with a child. It is just a matter of when.


  1. As a fellow children's book junkie, you are totally not crazy! I love them too. I dream of the day where I can sit and read to my little one. Love this post!

  2. Hahaha, I'm glad to hear that I'm not a crazy person! Someday we will have to start a book exchange or something!
