Right now, I am doing a fun "experiment" and trying to take all of my friend's and my friend's mother's advice and "Just Relax".

Thursday, April 8, 2010

New Lappy

I got a new laptop since my old one finally bite the dust. I only had it for 3 years but due to "roughness" it went in a fairly early time frame. (I dropped it one to many times on its butt and stabbed it in the motherboard with the power thingy...or so they tell me.)
My husband was kind enough to get me this new one...I just can't have any new toys for awhile.
I don't really have anything to report.
I thought you might enjoy some photos of me that I took with the web cam...because I'm so excited that this computer has ones.I've been sick lately so I have had plenty of time to sit and play around. Nothing new...just waiting for this semester to end so I can have a little vacation.

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