Right now, I am doing a fun "experiment" and trying to take all of my friend's and my friend's mother's advice and "Just Relax".

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Question Out There For the Ladies

I was just wondering, have you ever known of anyone who a pregnancy test hasn't worked for? Like, when I got a negative before I knew about the PCOS but I hadn't had my period in months my mom would tell me that they never worked for her. She said that she was 12 weeks pregnant before they would say she was pregnant.

It is driving me crazy because I will POAS and get a BFN but I have this voice in the back of my head that says, "It might not be working for you!! You might be the 1% exception and you really are pregnant!"

And what about phantom pregnancy symptoms? I have been feeling super nauseous in the mornings and after eating and at night for the past couple weeks. I was really hoping for morning sickness.

But no...POAS tonight and it is a BFN. It has been 60 days since my last cycle and I'm starting to think that I should take some Provera and start over with my Glucophage. I stopped taking it about 2 or 3 weeks ago because I was waking up every morning with diarrhea and cramps all day long. Sorry for the TMI but it was super awful. My OB/GYN warned me that it has some nasty side effects and she was right!


  1. I must be about the same cycle day as you. I stopped my met a while ago also. My midwife wanted me to start provera, but I wanted to go on vacation. I have had some random spotting but nothing that is full flow. I have decided to just "let it ride" and not take any meds in hopes that my body will do something naturally. About the HPT's I think the same thing in my head LOL. With my son there was no doubt that there was a line, 9 years later I still have the test and it is just as dark LOL. My daughter was another story. My tests with her were VERY light, even the one at the doctor's office.

  2. One friend of mine had to take so many pregnancy tests even though the blood test had revealed that she was pregnant. She said that she didn't experience nausea during the first trimester so maybe that was the reason why her hormone levels weren't too high or something during the first month, so POAS didn't really work for her. I think the first time the stick showed a positive was after she was at least 10-12 weeks' pregnant.

    Sorry to hear about diarrhoea and cramps. :-((((

  3. Sometimes I just think that I want to be pregnant so bad that I'm telling myself to feel nauseous so that I feel pregnant. I guess the only way to find out if it is positive for reals is to get a blood test...and I can't do that every time I fake myself out. I really dislike my body sometimes.

  4. Yeah, don't we hate those fake symptoms? In a way it's amazing the way that your brain can work to "delude" yourself into thinking of that you're A even though you're B. Doh!!!

    Yeah, I know what you mean about taking blood test every time you feel fake pregnancy symptoms. HANG IN THERE!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!

    Like your wish for me, I also wish that for you: hope you get off this roller-coaster ride sooner than later!!! Or at least with some LONG rests in between!!!
