Right now, I am doing a fun "experiment" and trying to take all of my friend's and my friend's mother's advice and "Just Relax".

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Worst Dreams....

....are the ones you don't want to wake up from.

I had a dream like that last night.

Oscar and I were on a road trip to see my family and I went into labor. We stopped at a hospital and I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. I sat there holding him for what seemed like hours as we drove. I was trying to think of a name.

We got to my parents house and we showed them our new baby. They were all taking turns holding him and they kept asking me what his name was.

Zachary. We'll call him Zack.

I love that name. I've only met two Zacks in my life and they were both awesome guys.

I wanted to remember all of these details from my dream but they are leaving now. I remember giving him to someone to hold but they lost him and when I woke up, I was still searching for my baby boy.

I've been awake for a couple hours now...and I still want to go back. Back to my missing baby boy.

Every time I have dreams like this, I think that it is a message from God, telling me that I'm pregnant.

But it's not. It never is.


  1. Those dreams are so vivid, they seem like they are happening in real life. I had one about holding my baby girl in the bathtub recently. It was so real. The unconscious is a funny thing. Or maybe, like you say, it's God preparing you to become a mom.

  2. Dreams are interesting. Some people claim they can all be interpreted, but I'm not sure. I think our subconscious brain creates them out of all the memories we've ever had. I'm sorry you had that nightmare- I hate those dreams as well that are just so real.

  3. Dreams can be tough. And they have a way of setting the tone for the entire day. I never know how far to read meaning into them, or how much they don't mean anything at all. But I like the name Zachary. And I hope one day you get to name a Zachary, and not in a dream.

    And thank you, Phoebe Wilde, for your kind comments on my blog.

  4. Oh dear...I'm so late in blog-hopping 'coz been so busy at work...SORRY about this kind of dream. HUGE HUGS!!!
